Extended Courses Schedule

Are you longing for a change? Ready to explore the depths of the ocean while embracing a sustainable lifestyle? Join our transformative webinar and discover how diving can redefine your journey!

Join us for an inspiring webinar that could change your life forever!

📅 Date:September 27, 2024
🕒 Time:3:00 PM BKK Time
📍 Location: Online

🔹 Why Join Us?

Digital Nomads: Discover how to blend work and adventure in breathtaking underwater environments.
Eco-enthusiasts:Learn how to protect our oceans while pursuing your passion for diving.
Youth:Dive into a thrilling new hobby that opens doors to endless opportunities.

The diving industry is rapidly growing, with over 1 million new divers certified each year worldwide. This is your opportunity to dive into a life filled with exploration and purpose!

Don’t miss this chance to unlock a world of adventure and connection!

Extended BD Course Schedule

Стоимость курса включает

В стоимость всех курсов входит:

    • Учебные материалы SSI
    • Онлайн-сертификат SSI
    • Полный комплект прокатного снаряжения
    • Трансфер из/в санаторий
    • завтрак, обед, напитки и закуски на лодке
    • опытный инструктор по дайвингу
    • бесплатная футболка Palm Beach Divers
    • Страхование дайвинга (только курсы начального уровня)